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You weren't rejected, YOU WERE RESCUED!!

Happy It's Almost Thanksgiving Tuesday!!!!

I saw that post on Facebook a few days ago and I haven't been able to get it out of my head, so I thought I would write about it. As I shared before, these posts all speak directly to me and my prayer is that it will speak to you as well. As you know, for the last few weeks, I have been talking about the end of this decade and walking victoriously into 2020 ( a new decade). Now, it's the holiday season and believe it or not, for so many people, the holidays are a very difficult time, For me, this week is extremely challenging for me. For the last several years, my sister/best friend of over 35 years, Rosalind, would take me to NY on the Friday after Thanksgiving for my birthday. I looked forward to those 72 hours of sistertime, laughing, talking, eating and just spending quality time with my friend. Walking through NY, looking at the windows at Saks Fifth Avenue, Macy's and walking through the shopping plaza in Times Square. Pictures from the last couple of years, popped up on my Facebook page yesterday and all of those memories came rushing back. I would cook macaroni and cheese for her house and she should cook sweet potato casserole for my house. My sister/best friend passed away in April of this year. I really miss her, we met when I was 16 so, she was a part of my life for most of my life. Yes, I miss my friend. I know many people will experience "first" this holiday due to the death of a loved one. But, our God is the mender of the broken heart. God is our comfort and our peace. I pray for peace for myself and everyone else who is dealing with a broken heart.

Others experience depression during this season. I rebuke the spirit of depression and loneliness. I can honestly admit being single during the holidays can be a struggle. Especially, when that annoying relative asks the question" when are you going to get married?" If you are one of those relatives, please refrain from allowing those words to come out of your mouth this year. Don't be desperate and hook up with the wrong person, just to say that you are not alone. Bishop Nelson, Sr., often says " half a love is worst than no love at all." Wait on the Lord. Just because that relationship didn't work out the way you hoped it would don't fret... "You weren't rejected, YOU WERE RESCUED". God is still in control and He knows exactly what we need as well as what we want. Another post that I recently saw on Facebook, "Don't worry about the people God removed from your life. He heard conversations you didn't, saw things you couldn't and made moves you wouldn't." God orders our steps, but sometimes we decide we want to walk after our flesh, so God needs to move those persons out of our paths so that we don't make mistakes that we get us off course. Trust the process. Trust God. As I posted a few weeks ago... YOU ARE ENOUGH. FLAWS AND ALL .. YOU ARE ENOUGH

Also, during the holiday season, many of us, have a desire to please others, so we spend money that we don't have. DON'T SPEND MONEY THAT YOU SHOULDN'T TO GAIN APPROVAL AND LOVE FROM SOMEONE ELSE. When Rosalind passed away, I regretted that we hadn't taken more pictures together. We spent so much time together, traveling all of the world, but we didn't take a lot of pictures. Don't worry so much about spending money, but give your time. Spend time with those you love. You can replace material things, but you can't get time back. During this holiday season, don't worry about things, but give yourself to those who need you. Trust me, everyone is dealing with something...share Jesus joy, that's the very best gift you can give someone.

Lastly, YOU ARE ENOUGH. Everything that God has for you, will find you. Keep moving forward towards your destiny. Yes, you will end up with a few scars, but you will heal. Yes, you would shed a few tears, but you will smile again, The word of God says, "For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returneth not thither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater: So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it. For ye shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace: the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands." Isaiah 55:10-13 Expect the Unexpected... There shall be a performance. Trust the process and Trust God's timing.

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