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You Were Built For This

Happy FriYah!!! Grateful to the Lord for keeping us through the storms last night. Special prayers to everyone who lost power or experienced flooding. Being a Christian requires us to walk upright in spite of whatever obstacles we are facing. Funny how Christianity can often be misunderstood. Our belief is often mocked and we are called foolish for believing so strongly in someone who we have never met and cannot see. Some of the attacks that we've experienced can be so hurtful, but that's when the power of faith kicks in. When facing turbulent times, we ask God for help and strength.

Gideon faced fierce tormentors, but God called him a "mighty warrior." Gideon even asked "why has this had happened?" and God answered, "I will be with you." No matter what happens God is with us... God is with you. I can't promise you that you will not experience hurt and pain because you will but God is with us. He promised in His Word to never leave nor forsake us. Hebrews 13:5 Even when we mess up, God is with us. You were built to withstand every obstacle that you are faced with. The Word of God declares, "Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee, and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations. Jeremiah 1:5. Nothing that is happening to you has taken God by surprise. You were built for this. Continue to TRUST GOD knowing that He is with you no matter what you are facing.

You can handle it. YOU WERE BUILT FOR THIS!!!

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