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Worth Fighting For

'Eyes haven't seen, ears haven't heard, all You have planned for me and nothing can separate me from Your love when there's so much More still worth fighting for." I absolutely love this song. We sang it on Sunday at church, and I haven't been able to get it out of spirit.

Today's message is simple... YOU ARE WORTH FIGHTING FOR. I understand that everything may not be perfect at the moment, but our God has GREAT THINGS in store for His children. Now, more than ever we must make our calling and election sure. 2 Peter 1:10. Now is not the time to doubt God or His promises towards you. Now is not the time to look behind you or to re-examine your past mistakes and failures. Remember, God will use every aspect of your life to move you towards your destiny. The Word of God says, " Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations. Jeremiah 1:5 There are gifts within you that must be brought forth. We must seek God like never before for spiritual guidance and ask Him to order our steps.

On this Sunday's 3rd Tea, Tastings and Testimonials Talk Show, our guest, Elder Kim Jackson, spoke about realizing your potential. Each of us needs someone that can help push us towards our potential. Take a moment, watch the video and please share it.

I am asking each of you to reach out to someone today that you haven't spoken to in a while. Take a few moments to encourage them, let them know that you love them with the love of the Lord. It take just seconds to share some SONSHINE.

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