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Who Is He To You Today?

Just reflecting on the awesomeness of our God. Yesterday, I spent six hours in the Chicago airport. Our plane originally scheduled to leave at 10:50 a.m., but we didn't take off until almost 4:00 p.m. The thunder, the lightning, the rain was powerful. It was kinda scary. One moment, it was so dark, dark as night time, but in the blink of an eye, the rain stopped, the clouds dissipated and a beautiful clear, bright, sunny sky was upon us. It was as if, all of that rain, thunder and darkness had never happened. Only God can do that. That is the power of the God we serve. Look for the suddenly because that's just how fast God is going to turn that hopeless, dark, scary situation around for you. God is going to do it!!! Today's Our Daily Bread devotional is titled, "Who is He?" I ask, "Who is God to you today?" Do you know that He is our Alpha and Omega? Do you know that He is our Beginning and End? Do you know that He is the Author and the Finisher of our life? He is our everything and there's absolutely nothing that He can't do. Who is He to you today?

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