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When You Pray

Yesterday, I talked about the power of Praise and today I would like to talk about the power of Prayer. As I mentioned, I have asked everyone to join me at the altar for the next 7 days. The Lord is calling us back to the altar. I know many of my friends and colleagues may think that prayer is not necessary, but I am declaring to you that everyone must pray. Even if you feel that you are doing OKAY. Money is good, the family is well and you don't have any complaints, please know that is when Prayer is even more important. Sometimes when we get comfortable, we get into a mindset where we don't think we need to pray because all is well, but the word of the Lord says in Psalm 34: 1-2 " I will bless the Lord at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth. My soul shall make her boast in the Lord: the humble shall hear thereof, and be glad..." We shouldn't just pray and seek God when we are in trouble, but we must thank the Lord every day for the good times. There were many who didn't wake up this morning, there are many who are in the hospital who don't have the activity of their limbs and would give anything to be in a position to pray and tell the Lord Thank You.

Father in the name of Jesus, I thank You. For this is the day that You have made and we will rejoice and be glad. We Thank You, Lord for waking us up this morning, with the activity of our limbs and the mind to serve You. Forgive us Lord for any thought or action that is not pleasing in Your sight. Lord, create in us a clean heart and renew a right spirit in us. Lord, let Your Glory be revealed in us. Let us walk as You would have us to walk and talk as You would have us to talk. Thank You, Lord for being our healer, our strength, our peace, our joy, and our Redeemer. Lord, we love You on today and we Thank You for loving us. God continue to bless us on today. Give us safe travels and bless us to be what You have destined for us to be. We give You Lord all praise. Amen.

The prayer line is open Monday - Friday 6:00am - 6:30am and every Tuesday evening 7:00pm - 7:30pm. To join us, dial 954-892-6767. enter access code 8337990143#

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