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What is God Saying?

Happy Monday!!! This is the 1st day of a new week. I pray that you enjoyed a wonderful weekend and are ready to receive from the Lord this week. God is still pouring our blessings to His children. I've been saying it for a few days now, God is watching and God is listening, but God is also talking. So, I ask the question, "What is God saying to you?" Can you hear Him? Are you connected to the voice of God? Some may ask, "How do I get connected to God?" You connect to God through prayer. Prayer is two-way communication with God. Some may think prayer is just us speaking to God, but after we pray we must listen to hear the voice of God. During this time of social isolation, each of us should be shoring up our relationship with God. Yes, I understand, that many are at home with family members and children and it may be difficult to find a quiet place to spend some time with the Lord, but find the time. Have a little talk with Jesus.

Don't laugh, I didn't take the time to do my hair or get all fancy, I just wanted to share a couple of minutes of encouragement with each of you. And of course, to pray.

Last Wednesday, my Pastor, Bishop Duane Johnson, taught a very encouraging lesson for Bible Study... I pray that you enjoy the teaching by the anointed man of God.

Remember, you are not stuck at home, but you are safe at home.

Stay well and stay safe,

Evang. Carolyn

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