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What Are You Doing?

Happy Monday!!! I truly love the Lord and I am so grateful for my relationship with Him. Yesterday, I was talking with the Lord and asking what should be the focus for today's post and He said clearly we must encourage each other to keep moving. Last week, I saw an interview with the international superstar Bon Jovi, it started because since he has had to cancel all of his tours and shows due to the coronavirus, he is spending time helping in other ways, the slogan: "when you can't do what you want, do what you can." Each of us has been affected by this world crisis, but God is staying DON'T STOP MOVING AND DON'T STOP DREAMING.

Pastor Gregory Fuller - Macedonia Baptist Church, Augusta, GA

Post written 4.6.2020


“Then he dreamed still another dream and told it to his brothers, and said, “Look, I have dreamed another dream. And this time, the sun, the moon, and the eleven stars bowed down to me.” And his brothers envied him, but his father kept the matter in mind.” (Genesis 37:9&11, NKJV)

Joseph was a dreamer. He dreamed of his future. He dreamed of his God-given purpose and destiny. And the Bible tells us that his own brothers, family, envied, even hated him for his dreams. Yet, in spite of their envy, hate and even their attempt to kill him and his dreams, Joseph kept dreaming. Joseph had to endure much heartbreak, heartache, and disappointment on his way to reaching his destiny, but he never stopped dreaming. You too my brothers and sisters will have to endure many disappointments on your way to destiny. But, like Joseph, DON’T STOP DREAMING. You will always encounter haters and those who are envious of your dreams. Some of those who will attempt to kill your dreams might be those who are the closest to you. Friends, family, and yes, sometimes even church members. But, DON’T STOP DREAMING. Hold on to your dreams. Aspire to do more, to achieve more, to be a better person. While the “do nothing” people hate, complain and plot against you, you believe in yourself, and in the God who is the deliverer of your dreams and the designer of your destiny. Declare to yourself, even in the midst of your heartache and trouble, “I will succeed.” “I will not die until I achieve my life’s destiny.” And no matter what happens on your way to destiny, DON’T STOP DREAMING!

This really blessed me... KEEP MOVING AND KEEP DREAMING. Over the weekend, I signed up for 2 online classes. I have been trying new dishes each week, YES I COOK. I have started reading again and each week I have been donating to different causes. "when you can't do what you want, do what you can." So, what are you doing? Yes, it's not our normal, but you have been given time that you didn't have a few weeks ago, take advantage of it. Take some time to improve you :-)

Stay Connected

Take this time to connect with family and friends. Last week, I spoke with someone that I hadn't spoken to in years. Use technology..i.e, Zoom, What'sApp, Duo and Facebook, so many ways to connect.


This is indeed praying time, Our prayer line is open, Monday - Friday, 6:00 am - 6:30 am and Tuesday evening 7:00 am - 7:30 pm. All are welcome. To join us simply dial 954-892-6767, enter access 8447990143#. If you have specific prayer requests, send it to me via email

Let's Pray

Father in the name of Jesus, before we ask for anything, we say Thank You. Thank You for all that You have done, All that you are doing and All that you are going to do. Because of Your love, Your grace, and Your Mercy, we can declare ALL IS WELL. Lord, continue to lift up a hedge of protection for all of those who are working on the frontlines to keep us well, safe and protected. Lord, cover our families and friends, especially those who still have to work outside of their homes. Lord, give peace and comfort to those who have been affected by the virus, touch our immune systems and give immediate healing and deliverance. Lord, bless each and every bereaved family and allow them to feel your peace. Lord, our trust is in You. Continue to bless and keep us, in Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

Just a little worship music to lift your spirits.

**** I don't own the rights to this music***

Stay well and stay safe,

Evang. Carolyn

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