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We Are Family


As we all know, life gets busy, especially during the holiday seasons. Between holiday shopping, Christmas parties and celebrations, we can forget to make Family a priority. Yes, I understand, you are thinking, "I am doing all of this to show my family and friends that Iove them", but remember PRESENCE OVER PRESENTS. In this season, it's more important than ever to let your family and friends know you care, not with materials things, but with your presence and your prayers. Remember, everybody is dealing with something and we must cover our family and friends in prayer. I hope you will take a moment and pray this prayer with me. "A friend loves at all times, and a relative is born to help in adversity." Proverbs 17:17

Today's prayer:

Father in the name of Jesus, once again we come to say Thank You. Thank You for another opportunity for experience, Your Love, Your Grace, and Your Mercy. Thank you, Lord, for showing us that love has no boundaries or end, but listens, has patience, compassion, grace and gives without counting the cost. Bless our families; mothers, fathers, daughters, sons, aunts, uncles, cousins and friends. Protect us from all hurt and harm. Prosper us in times of hardship and difficulty. Instruct us in the ways of Your goodness and Grace. Prepare us for the good times and bad times. Remind us daily that You will never leave us nor forsake us. Unite us within Your loving arms of compassion and love. We pray for healing and peace for the stresses and strains within family relationships. Lord, let us hear Your clear instructions and give us the strength to obey Your Will for our lives. Lord, we entrust all of our loved ones into Your care. Protect and guide us daily. Meet us O Lord, at every point of our need and fulfill all our hearts' desires. Be our keeper and grant us the opportunity to enjoy good health all the days of our lives. O Lord, touch the hearts of those, that have not yet received You into their lives. Touch their hearts that they may accept that You alone are the true Savior. Touch them that they may enjoy the joy of salvation in Jesus. Thank you, Lord,for showing us true love can be ours to know and give, this in Jesus mighty name we pray. Amen.

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