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Trust the Process

Happy Friday... Happy first Friday in June. Wow.. can you believe that we are in the sixth month of 2020? 2020, what a year it has been thus far. 2020 will be the year that everyone remembers. Some good, some bad, but what an incredible year it has been, and we still have six months left. I am excited to see what God is going to do next. Greater is coming!!! I saw this post on Instagram yesterday and it spoke volumes to me, so I decided to share it on my blog.

As I stated a couple of weeks ago, 2020 is the year to get perfect vision. This is the year that the Lord is using to get us back on the right track. "Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me." Psalm51:10 Renew our vision Lord, so we can see You as we should. So, we can see ourselves. Help us Lord to clean out anything and everything that does not belong. No more stinking thinking...because if our thinking is off, our vision will be blurry. 2020 the year of perfect vision. Yes, obtaining perfect vision will require change. You may lose some friends, you may lose some property or materials things, you may experience pain, you may experience heartache, you may have to walk alone, you may shed some tears, but Trust the Process. In the midst of the chaos, GOD IS STILL IN COMPLETE CONTROL. Trust the process, Keep moving, Keep praying, Keep believing, THERE SHALL BE GLORY AFTER THIS.

This song is powerful and I pray that you allow the words of the song to minister to you. **I don't own the rights to this music.**

Stay well and stay safe,


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