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The Power of Touch

Happy Thursday!!! I have to admit, I have been up for a few hours now and I am super excited. And no, my excitement is not because the Washington Nationals won the World Series, I am excited because I have another chance to share some Jesus joy.

Everyone is dealing with something ( yes, I know I say this a lot, but it's true), but as Christians, we don't let what is happening around us dictate our day. Through the good and the bad, God is good. I often say that you can change a person's day with a phone call, a smile, or a hug. Everyone needs a physical connection. One of the five love languages is Physical Touch. For example, a hug from a close friend isn’t only comforting, it also produces feelgood hormones in the brain like serotonin, dopamine, and oxytocin – all of which help boost the immune system and ward off illness. But it does more than just make you feel good, it can also accurately communicate emotions like gratitude, love, and sympathy. It was Mother Teresa who said that there is more hunger for love and appreciation in this world than for bread – and she’s not wrong. Whether or not we feel loved profoundly influences how we feel on a day to day basis, research confirms the wisdom of her words – holding a partner’s hand, cuddling, visiting with friends or family – all of these activities are just as important to our wellbeing as remembering to drink more water and get enough exercise.

Recognizing the Power of Touch

Mothers touch their children’s foreheads when they pray blessings over them at bedtime. Friends clasp each other’s shoulders in prayer, signifying agreement. Husbands and wives touch each other in unity when they pray.  Think back to a time when someone prayed for you. Now think back to a time when someone prayed for you with the addition of laying on hands. The Power of Touch. For many, that latter memory is more vivid because it was accompanied by an additional part of the body’s five senses. The Power of Touch.

Whenever I’m overwhelmed or feeling down, I tend to crave touch. A hug, a hand to hold; a connection that can manifest into something that’s tangible. And even on stress-free days, I may seek out the healing components that touch has to offer.

As we continue to seek God in prayer, let's not forget the Power of Touch. Today, connect with someone who needs a touch, a smile, a hug, a phone call. It will not only bless them but it will bless you.

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