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The Mind Is A Powerful Thing

Happy Tuesday!!! Who's ready for snow? Not me, if I never see another inch of snow, it will be alright with me, but I'm not complaining, the Lord is in complete control and He knows what He is doing.

My spirit seems to be extremely sensitive during this time of year. Statistics show that suicide remains a major public health problem, one that occurs throughout the year. It is the 10th leading cause of death for all Americans. Each year, more than 36,000 people take their own lives. During the holidays, depression tends to increase due to an increase in demands (perceived as stressful), family issues, and being unable to manage expectations. There is an increase in the number of activities, tasks, and social events that people must manage. Shopping and gift-buying can cause financial and emotional stress. Traveling to be with family or friends for the holidays can cause a variety of additional stress. Being unable to be with family or friends (for whatever reason) can also be highly stressful. If you are experiencing a significant loss or actively grieving, the holidays can be more stressful. I pray each and every day for those who are experiencing depression, stress, loneliness, and/or fear.

The mind is such a powerful thing, that humans possess, it can be used to help you attain success or it can take you to the depths of failure. You must learn to use your mind to its optimal level if you want to live life on a new level. The mind is the key to success. Become the master of your mind or it shall rule you. What you think about is what you will bring about into your life, you must see yourself as who you want to become. So think thoughts of success and go confidently in the direction of your dreams and know that you have what it takes. So believe in yourself, you are capable of more than you know.

I know each of us is dealing with something, but we are not alone. We are never alone. The word of God states.."Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” Deuteronomy 31:6 NIV God is always with us. One of the reasons why I started this ministry was because a friend (someone not saved) said, everybody needs somebody like you and he was right. Everybody needs somebody that they can be free with. No pretense, just plain, simple and true to themselves. Everybody needs someone that is there just to listen, not to past judgment or offer advice, but just listen. Everybody needs someone that they can be quiet with, sometimes you just need a shoulder to cry on. Everybody needs someone that makes them laugh until they cry (even when the joke is on them). Everybody needs somebody. There is an old gospel song called.."He's That Kind of Friend." Some of the lyrics are If you ever need a friend that sticks closer than any brother I recommend Jesus, Jesus, because he's that kind of friend, He will never, never forsake you, Even though He's knows everything there is to know about you, I recommend Jesus, Jesus, because He's that kind of friend. " Click the link to listen to the song.

Our prayer line is open each day Monday - Friday 6:00 a.m. - 6:30 a.m. and every Tuesday evening at 7:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. (Eastern). All are welcome to join us for these conversations with the Lord. If you have special prayer requests, feel free to send them to me. If you would prefer one on one prayer, please contact me directly.

Today's prayer: Father, in the name of Jesus, we Thank You for another opportunity to say Thanks. We don't take it for granted that you allowed us another day. We realize that many started out the day yesterday, but didn't make it to this moment. Lord, we say Yes, to your will and Yes, to your way. Continue to strengthen us to walk as You would have us to walk and talk as You would have us to talk. Lord, continue to allow Your glory to be revealed in us and through us. Lord, today we shall walk in Peace. Today we shall walk in Your Peace. We declare peace in our homes, on our jobs, in our neighborhoods, our communities, in our cities, in our churches, and in the world. Today we shall walk in Peace. We declare Peace over our minds, our bodies and our spirits. Everything that is out of order we call back into perfect alignment to Your Will for our lives and we declare that IT IS SO, In Jesus' name, Amen.

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