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The Key To Breakthrough is Prayer

I am truly in AWE of God. This past weekend was one of the most phenomenal weekends of my entire life. My God-Mother had to minister for a Prayer Breakfast on Saturday. The location was 2 hours away from her home, so we drove down on Friday. It's always a blessings to spend time with my God-Mother, she is truly a gift to the body of Christ and a blessing to me. Little did I know that God was going to minister to me in such a powerful and life changing way. I can honestly say God spoke so definitely to me through one of the guests at the prayer breakfast, that all I could do was weep. The portal for my breakthrough came through PRAYER. For the next 5 days, I encourage you to take your prayer to the next level. THE KEY TO YOUR BREAKTHROUGH IS PRAYER. If you normally, spend 15 minutes in prayer each morning, double that time. If you normally, say a basic prayer, for the next few days, be specific. Open up your heart to God in prayer like never before. God needs to hear from you. My pastor, Bishop Duane Johnson has been teaching and preaching that the month of August is the month for Breakthroughs, well we have 5 more days, I encourage you to get your breakthrough.

September begins a New Year on the Jewish Calendar 5780 - The number 8 in 80 symbolizes the beginnings of fulfillment of their destiny on this earth. Things that were said about them by My mouth even before they were born will come to pass. I'm excited about 202 but we must be ready and in place to receive what God has for us. Well, in prayer this morning the Lord gave me the word, Victory. Just as we were about to leave the line, another prayer warrior began to read a passage of a prayer devotional. It blessed me so much, that I had to share.

This year has it's own challenges, but as you walk with God, He will so secure you that nothing shall be lost. God said, that other nations, shall persecute Israel, as grain is shifted in a sieve, yet not one true kernel will be lost. How great is our God!! Do not be afraid of anything that come your way this year - the betrayal of men, the temptation of the devil, the snares of the evil one, the shaking of everything that can be shaken, persecutions, victimization, bitterness, hatred, envy, jealousy or the rage of people that may be directed at you or the hordes of demonic attack that may come against you, God will give you VICTORY in it all and make your more than a conqueror. You lose any real thing in this year. You will come out of this year better, stronger, greater, richer than you entered it.

To ensure your VICTORY, you must build your life on the Word of God. Read it, Hear it, Do It. Secondly, you must spend quality time in PRAYER and sincere fellowship with God, listen to His instructions. And whatever He says to you, DO IT!!! ( Excerpt from Changed from Glory to Glory, Francis Wale Oke)


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