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Thank You Lord!!!!

Happy Friday!!!! I pray all is well with you and your family. I just want to say thanks for your support of this ministry assignment that God has given to me. For over 4 years now, I have been sharing messages of hope and encouragement through texts, emails, and this blog. I am so grateful that the Lord would qualify me as an ENCOURAGER to His people. Funny thing is because each day I am seeking the Lord asking what to say, not realizing that because I am keeping my mind stayed on Him, He is keeping me in "Perfect Peace". Nope, everything is not perfect in my life, Yes, I have had some bad days, Yes, I have had to cry myself to sleep, but because of God's Love, Grace and Mercy, each day I know that God is with me and that in the end, everything is going to be alright. Remember, everyone that you encounter today is going through something, so please BE KIND.

This song is one of my absolute favorites and it simply says.. THANK YOU.

Shared from Youtube

I pray that you have a blessed day and a wonderful weekend.

Remember, stay well, stay safe, wash your hands, practice social distancing, wear your masks, BE KIND, SHOW LOVE, AND DON'T STOP PRAYING.

Love always,


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