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Thank You Lord

As we continue to grow in God, we continue to change and mature. Things that we used to do, we don't do anymore. Places we used to go to, we don't go there anymore. Thankfully, I have never had an addiction, but I believe that God is the best rehabilitation any of us can experience. As I have stated over the last couple of weeks, the Lord has been dealing with me in reference to the fact that we are not just entering into a new year, but we are entering into a new decade. 2020... I have been doing some research on the spiritually meaning of the number 20. One researcher wrote. -Number 20 in the Bible symbolizes the cycles of completeness. It is not so widely used, but often it is connected to a perfect period of waiting, labor or suffering that is compared to a trial and rewarded. Jacob waited 20 years to get his wives and property and to release from his father-in-law. Solomon was building a house for himself and God, and it took a total of 20 years until he got a place to live. Number 20 is associated with a trial, a period of waiting and if it is successfully completed, the reward is generous and full of God’s love.

Bishop Nelson, Sr., reminded us on Sunday, that God is moving. That we should "Expect the Unexpected". I am super excited about what God is doing in the lives of those who have remained faithful in spite of great opposition. Yes, many of us have faced great tests and trials over the past 10 years, but I believe that we are on the other side of those storms. Don't get comfortable, the enemy knows more about our Great Future than we do and he is going to do everything he can to distract us, but it's too late. "THERE SHALL BE A PERFORMANCE". God's Word shall perform. Even in this time of completeness, the enemy will try to throw everything at you, including the kitchen sink, BUT TRUST GOD. God has spoken and everything He spoke shall be made manifest. In this season, don't be afraid to share your testimony. Remember, "And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony, and they loved not their lives unto the death". Revelations 12:11. Somebody needs to hear your testimony. Yes, some of our testimonies are somewhat embarrassing, but one of the things that I love about the Lord is He factored in our mistakes, our faults, even our sins and He will use them all to push us into our divine destiny. Know that some people are going to try to use you because of your light... Shine Anyway. Some people are going to dislike you because of your light...Shine Anyway. You will be misunderstood because of your light... Shine Anyway. You light will sometimes cause you to walk alone...Shine Anyway. Your light will sometimes cause you to cry...Shine Anyway. Thank You, Lord for allowing Your SonShine to shine through us. Lord, I Thank You.

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