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Thank You

"Now thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest the savour of his knowledge by us in every place." 2 Corinthians 2:14

Let Praises Rise... Fill my life Lord, till all they see is you Lord ...

My God, I am so grateful to God for the Holy Ghost. Thank you Jesus for You are our everything. We can do nothing without You, but with You all things are possible. I am still caught up in worship from last night's prayer experience and honestly, I am just THANKFUL to be a child of the Most High God. I ask that you will take a few moments today and just tell God Thank You. Thank You Lord for every Victory, Thank You Lord for waking us up this morning, Thank You Lord for Life, Thank You Lord for Strength, Thank You Lord for Health, Thank You Lord for EVERYTHING.

If you are able, please take a few moments, quiet yourself and watch this video, I promise it will bless you.

Let Praises High

"Let praises rise, from the inside, from the inside of me. May you delight on the inside, on the inside of me. Come fill my life, From the inside, From the inside of me. Set me on fire From the inside, From the inside of me. Cause all I want Is for You, For You to be glorified For you to be lifted high

Thank You God for everything...


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