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Stay Safe Happy FriYah!!!! Please take some time to enjoy the beautiful sunshine today!

COVID-19 Updates

U.S. Overtakes China in COVID-19 Cases

Yesterday the U.S. case count took first place as the nation with the highest number of COVID-19 cases with approximately 86,000 cases and 1,300 deaths. NY and NJ remain the hot spots of the U.S. Louisiana case count is surging (post-Mardi Gras) and appears to be the next domino.

Physical Distancing vs Social Distancing

The WHO(World Health Organization) supports using physical distancing rather than social distancing to describe the minimum 6 ft perimeter, non-essential business closures, gatherings, and the other distancing measures espoused by public health. To many, social distancing was translating to social isolation, which is not the intent. Stay connected, but stay safe.

Resources Tips

Stimulus Checks: Who Is Eligible and How Much Will They Be?

 The Senate voted unanimously late Wednesday night to approve a $2 trillion economic stimulus package that would send most Americans checks of up to $1,200, as a way to put money directly in the pockets of families struggling to manage the economic fallout of the coronavirus pandemic. The legislation, which still needs to be passed by the House of Representatives and signed by the president, would give single adults who reported adjusted gross income of $75,000 or less on their 2019 tax returns a one-time check for $1,200, according to draft legislation. Married couples who filed jointly would receive $2,400. Families would get an additional $500 for each child. Click the link below to get additional information on the stimulus package.

Let Us Prayer

Father in Jesus' name, before we ask You for anything God we say THANK YOU. Thank You for waking us up this morning, clothing us in our right minds and giving us another opportunity to say Thank You. Lord, we ask that You would touch each of us, with Your loving-kindness and Your tender mercy. Lord, give strength to those who are fighting for their lives because they have contacted this terrible virus. Lord, touch those who are immune-compromised. Lord, we pray for our immune systems. Lord, we know that COVID-19 is not bigger than You. We know that You are our HEALER. We know that nothing is impossible with You. Lord, we Thank You for every breath we take because we know that You are the Breathe of life! Lord, we pray Your protection and covering for every doctor, nurse, technician, administrator, janitor and every person working in hospitals and medical facilities. Lord, we pray for Your protection and covering for every person who works in our grocery stores, gas stations, bus drivers, police officers, firefighters, EMT's and all who continue to work to serve and protect the public in various capacities during this global crisis. Lord, we pray for Your protection and covering for our families, our friends, our loved ones, our neighbors. Lord, we need YOU. We need Your Strength, We need Your Peace. Lord, continue to shower us with Your Grace and Mercy. Lord, we pray for PEACE. Peace in our minds and our spirits. God, You can do anything and everything but fail. We trust You God, so we will continue to declare... ALL IS WELL. All is well in our bodies, our minds, our souls and our spirits. This too shall pass. We speak strength, faith, courage, love, and peace in Jesus' name. Amen.

Let's Dance

Big shout out to my amazing pastor, Bishop Duane Johnson. Anyone who knows him knows that Bishop Johnson is all about the music. So, last night, Bishop Johnson hosted a virtual Praise Party and it was incredible. Please turn up your speakers and get your praise on. Thanks, Bishop Duane Johnson, the incredible pastor of Speak To My Heart Ministries, we needed this. Let's Dance.

Stay Blessed, Stay Safe and Stay Home

Evang. Carolyn

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