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Happy Veteran's Day!!! Happy Singles Day!!! Happy Monday!!!

Too funny, in this world, we live in today, there is literally something to celebrate each and every day. The mere fact that the Lord breathed the breath of life into us and is allowing us at this very moment to live is reason enough to celebrate.

To be honest, I wasn't going to write a post today because I'm in my feelings about something and I didn't want that to be reflected in what I wrote, but a few moments ago the song "Stand" came on and I thought all of the times that God has brought us through various situations and circumstances, so who am I to complain. Maybe I just needed to write this for myself.

Our God is such an awesome God. He gives us the strength to STAND no matter what problem we are facing. We walk by faith and not by sight. God is not a man that He should lie; not the Son of man that He can repent; if He spoke it, then it shall happen. Stand on His word, Stand on His promises, Stand on His track record. God can do anything and everything but fail. Yes, you will have to cry, Yes, you will lose friends and loved ones, but God will never leave you nor forsake. STAND. I remember several years ago, our choir at GBT sang this song and the power of the Holy Ghost took over and people were slain in the spirit. People were delivered, people were healed, people were set free. That's what God wants for each of us today... "Stand when there's nothing else to do and watch the Lord bring you through." Stand and endure, God has a purpose and God has a plan. What do you do when you've done all you can, YOU JUST STAND."

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