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Sow Wisely

Happy New Year!!! This is my first blog post of 2021!!!

Happy Thankful Thursday!!! Did you rest in Jesus last night? I did and because of that, I rested well and woke up feeling refreshed and blessed. Cast your cares upon Him because He cares for you. God loves you so much and He wants only the best for you, but you have to do your part. STOP SINNING!!!! There are no big sins or little sins, Sin is Sin. Remember, if you know better, you must do better. There are two types of sin - Ignorant and Presumptuous. Again, I say to you when you know what is right, do what is right!!!. If you are unclear, ask God to show you yourself or seek wise counsel from your pastor or someone you trust. Today's scriptures talks about the peace of God. When you are trying your best and living your life to the best of your ability, that's when you will feel and know God's peace. Beloved, don't be Ignorant, God is not to be mocked, that which a man soweth, that shall he also reap. SOW WISELY!!! Sow Love!!! Sow Kindness!!! Sow Peace!!! Sow Joy!!! Sow Forgiveness!!

Please stay well and stay safe. I learned this week of a family that lost the Mom and Dad and several members of the family are hospitalized due to COVID from a family holiday gathering. The person was asymptomatic, so they didn't realize that they were carrying the virus. WEAR YOUR MASKS ALWAYS, ( even on those quick trips and visits), WASH YOUR HANDS FREQUENTLY, PRACTICE PHYSICAL DISTANCING, AND GET TESTED!! If you don't know how to get an appointment or where to get tested contact me and I will help you.

This was one of my dad's favorite songs... it's on oldie but a goodie.

I love you with the love of the Lord...


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