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Good morning, I pray that you rested well last night and ready to laugh today. I woke up this morning and the Lord gave me laughter in my spirit and a song in my heart. I wanted to share a couple of videos with you and I pray that they make you laugh and give you a few minutes of laughter and relaxation.

I saw one of these videos a couple of weeks and she is really funny.

This little girl is too funny. I hope that these videos allowed you a few moments of laughter today.

As I was praying this morning on the 6 am Prayer line, the Lord dropped this song in my spirit, so I wanted to remind everyone that God is still in control and everything that we need God shall supply because He's got this in control. God is making a way for each of us... He will move every mountain, He will cause walls to fall there's is nothing that is impossible with God. He is performing miracles.. God is making a way...

I hope each of you will join us on the prayer line tonight at 7:00 pm.EST To join the prayer line dial 954-892-6767, then enter access code 8337990143#. All are welcome.

Stay well and stay safe,

Evang. Carolyn

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