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Repeat After Me

Happy Tuesday!!! I pray that you enjoyed a wonderful Monday and are ready for the blessings that the Lord has assigned to you for today. Yes, blessings are territorial. The Miami Mass Choir has a song, " What God Has For Me, It is For Me". Remember our God is not a man that he can lie or the son of man that He can repent, if He spoke it, He will do it. Yesterday, the Lord woke me up with the scripture.." Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for him: fret not thyself because of him who prospereth in his way, because of the man who bringeth wicked devices to pass." Psalm 37:7 Don't get distracted by looking at others, if it hasn't happened yet, then know it's just not time, but if God spoke it, it's going to happen. Don't try to manipulate or force anything, God's timing is best. My Pastor, Bishop Duane Johnson, preached on Sunday, that if we want our breakthrough, we must follow instructions. You must be in right relationship with God, so that you can hear His instructions. If God isn't speaking, stop what you are doing and ask God to give you clear directions, so that you can be in place for your blessings. Speak Lord, give us clear directions and instructions. We say Yes, to Your Will and Yes to Your Way. While you are waiting, repeat after to me

My Breakthrough is Coming

I am Delivered

I am Healed

I am Strong

I am Redeemed

I am Loved

I am Needed

I am Necessary

Because He is, We are!!!

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