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Remain Faithful

Happy Monday!!! We have 15 days left in this decade!!! On yesterday, our Apostolic Father, Bishop James D. Nelson, Sr., spoke at our church Speak To My Heart Ministries and he reminded us that we should still be excited about 2019. God is still working on our behalf and we should expect Miracles in the next 15 days. For the next 10 days, I will share prayers. 10 Days of Prayer. I pray that these prayers speak directly to your spirit.

Today's Prayer

Father in the name of Jesus, before we ask you for anything God, we say Thank You. Thank You for the rest that you allowed each of us to receive on last night and Thank You for waking us up this morning. We realize Lord that there were many who didn't wake on this morning, but we are grateful that You saw fit to give us another chance to get it right. Lord, we realize "Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." Lord on today we ask that You increase our faith. We understand that life can sometimes be challenging and that our level of faith can be weakened due to the things that we see. Remind us, Lord, that You promised never to leave us or forsake, Remind us, Lord, that when we are weak, You are strong. Remind us, Lord, that if we seek You early, we will find You. Help us to Remain Faithful, no matter what the situation or circumstance. Thank You for every open door. Thank You for every closed door. Lord, our trust is in You. Order our steps. God, we Thank You for this day. Continue to have Your way in our lives. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

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Dec 16, 2019

Blessings! Enjoyed this post and NEEDED this prayer today. Looking forward to the next prayer! Happy Holidays!!

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