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Presence Over Presents

Happy Wednesday !!!! We are exactly 2 weeks away from Christmas. I have to admit, I have been a little more Christmassy than normal. My tree is up already and my house has more touches of the holidays than in past years. This year, I put myself on a very strict budget ( saving for a couple of big projects in 2020), so I needed to be extra creative. Of course, the most logical thing to do would have been to cut my Christmas gift list, be instead, I added more names. I decided that making sure people know you care shouldn't be dependent upon 1 day ( December 25) but we should show them how much we care 365 days of the year.

Not saying that I am not buying gifts, but I believe the greatest gift that you can give someone this holiday season is to be present. Presence over presents. Fortunately, I was blessed to be born into a family full of lots of love. My Mom was a stay at home Mom, and my dad was very attentive to all of his children. Today, in most homes both Mom and Dad have jobs, so quality family time is not as easy to come by. Also, due to the pressures of this life, there are a lot of separated families ( divorce, incarceration, illness or death). As mentioned, in yesterday's post everybody needs somebody. During this holiday season, make a conscious effort to be more PRESENT. When spending time with family and friends, turn off the phone and Be Present. Spending quality time with someone is more difficult than ever with all the technology available on our cell phones and other electronic gadgets. Instead of calling, we send text messages, emails, send a post on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. I prefer a phone call over a text message any day. I’m certain that we have all been on the receiving end of someone we are trying to talk to while they are distracted with something else and we have felt that sense of not being valued by them. This year, declare to be different. We all must make a commitment to BE MORE PRESENT. Spending quality time with family and friends is good for your soul and your heart.

Your presence is my present.

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