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To God Be The Glory

Yesterday, I had the opportunity to teach bible study for my church. I thank God for the opportunity to minister to my church family. My topic was Potholes - The Purpose of Our Potholes. How many of you have been driving along and everything was going fine, then bump, POTHOLE. There are some small potholes, that just bump the car a little bit, but you keep going, but there are some Big Potholes, that cause you to have to pull over because now all of a sudden, you are stuck on the side of the road with a flat tire. Everything was going along fine, carefree, living my life like it's golden, then POTHOLE. We have all experienced potholes in the road of life. As stated, some potholes just make us slow down, some cause us to wait and there are some potholes that cause us to stop. What kind of pothole are you dealing with today? There are many examples of potholes in the bible, but when God gave me the story of Joseph to accompany this word Let’s take a real quick look at some of the Ordered Falls( Potholes) in Joseph’s life and how it’s relates to us. Joseph had great favor on his life. He was his father's favorite, so much so that all his brothers were jealous of him, no let's go deeper, they hated him, and they wanted to kill him. But, one brother Reuben convinced the other brothers to throw him in the pit.( POTHOLE) Reuben planned to go get Joseph out of the pit later, but he had to play along with his brothers. You know the story, when Reuben went back to get Joseph, he discovered that his brothers had sold him. Even though Joseph was sold into slavery(POTHOLE), he still walked in favor. So much that Potiphar acknowledged that the Lord was with him, so he kept Joseph close to him...see oftentimes other people will see our gifts and talents before we do, and they will use us for what we can do for them (that's another message Guard Your Gifts). So, all is going along fine for Joseph, he's the overseer of Potiphar's house, then Potiphar's wife decides she wants Joseph. Even though he said no, she was thirsty and determined to have what she wanted (you know how we do ladies), so much so that the man had to run from her leaving his garment. You know the story, she was mad, so she lied and cause Joseph to get thrown in the prison (POTHOLE), but still blessed. Each of those examples show even while Joseph was in a POTHOLE, God's favor and anointing was still upon. As we know, the story continues, Joseph was released from prison and became an Overseer for Pharaoh. He went from Pothole to blessing, Pothole to Blessing, Pothole to BLESSING. Even though we have some pothole experiences, God uses the potholes to humble us, God uses the potholes to strengthen us, God use the potholes to quiet us, God uses the potholes to prepare us. So no matter what your potholes, know that God will use it for your good.

If you have a few moments, watch the video. I pray that it blesses you.

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