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Prayer for Peace

Father, in the name of Jesus, before we ask for anything, we say Thank You. Thank You for being such a Good Father to each of us. You are the Author and the Finisher of our lives. Continue to order our steps. Let Your Will be done in us. Today, Lord we are asking for Peace. Please grant us peace in our minds and calm our troubled hearts. Grant us the strength and clarity of mind to find the purpose and walk the path You've laid out for us today. We trust Your Love God and know that You will heal all stresses. We pray that today we will walk in Your calm and tranquil footsteps. We will rest and relax in Your presence and let go of all anxious thoughts. Instead of rushing, we will let go and let God. Lord, today, we lay our worries, anxieties, and fears at Your feet. We are claiming and declaring Your promises for blessings of peace and strength over our lives. Bring a wave of peace into our souls that surpasses all worldly understanding and makes us light for others to see Your strength. Lord, we pray for Peace over our homes, our jobs, our churches, our communities. Cover our families and friends with Your Peace. Lord, have Your Way in our lives, In Jesus Christ’s name, Amen.

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