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Nevertheless At Thy Word

"And Simon answering said unto him, Master, we have toiled all the night, and have taken nothing: nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net." Luke 5:5

Happy FriYah!!! Not sure about anyone else, but I am really glad it's Friday. Busy week, which is great, but I am ready for a couple of days of relaxation. My Pastor, Bishop Duane Johnson taught from Luke 5 on Wednesday and I haven't been able to get this verse out of my head. "Nevertheless at Thy word"... That's the kind of relentless faith that is needed in the body of Christ today.

I can't speak for everyone, but I know for me, in this season, God has been pushing me outside of my comfort zone and He's not done with me yet. God is showing me things in dreams, that I can only look up to Heaven and ask God, "Really, You see that in me?" When Bishop Johnson, read this scripture and Wednesday, the baby leaped in my stomach. "Yes, I experienced a Mary and Elizabeth moment" "Nevertheless at Thy word". God is positioning us to move to the next level. Many of us (at least I know I am) are looking at ourselves and thinking I can't do that. We are looking at our bank accounts and saying, I don't have the finances for that. But God needs us to declare "Nevertheless at Thy word".

Just like Simon, some of us are thinking, Lord, I have been at this for a while and it hasn't worked thus far, but God needs us to increase our faith level and declare .. "Nevertheless at Thy word". Two of Jonathan Nelson's songs has been ringing in my head. His recent song. "Jesus, I Love You" and "There Shall Be A Performance". If God spoke it, you can't die until happens. Don't be weary and don't doubt, keep moving, keep believing, keep trusting... it's going to happen. Make the declaration today,"....nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net." There shall be a performance.

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