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Matters of the Heart

To God Be The Glory!!!! Our God is such an incredible God. I listened to a message this morning before 6am prayer and all I could do was weep. God is speaking but are we hearing Him. Have we positioned ourselves to hear from God? More importantly, is our heart right to hear from God. At the beginning of the year, the Lord gave me 2020 Vision. This is the year that we get our vision right and our focus clear. After the pandemic struck, I knew that God was giving everybody, not just the believer an opportunity to get Clear Vision. When the Woman of God began to speak, she took her text from Deuteronomy 8, but the 2nd verse is where I shall focus " And thou shalt remember all the way which the Lord thy God led thee these forty years in the wilderness, to humble thee, and to prove thee, to know what was in thine heart, whether thou wouldest keep his commandments, or no. What is your heart saying? The Lord shut down EVERYBODY to give everyone a chance to get our hearts right. Man looks at the outward appearance but God looks at the heart. What is your heart saying? I believe that God is performing miracles in the midst of the pandemic. I believe that God is healing in the midst of the pandemic. I believe that God is making ways out of no way in the midst of the pandemic. See God didn't change, He just gave us time to get our hearts right and to clear up our vision. It's never been about us, but only about the Incredible God who is able to do anything and everything but fail. This COVID-19 season was a God-ordained wilderness to get EVERYBODY back on course. This world needed a course correction. Unfortunately, many have fallen away, many have strayed away from God instead of turning to God, but it's not too late to humble ourselves before God, repent, and ask for forgiveness. What is your heart saying?

"God forgive us and create in us a clean heart and right spirit, A spirit that loves and forgives. A heart that doesn't hold on to anger, hurt and bitterness. God forgive us for our failures. In Jesus' name, we pray, Amen".

This message blessed me beyond words. I am not sure if you will be able to access it through this link. If not, it's posted on Facebook/ Liberation Church? Midnight Prayer/ Pastor T. Renee Glenn.

Stay well and stay blessed.


Remember prayer begins this evening at 7:00pm. All are welcome. To join the prayer line, dial 954-892-6767, then enter access code 8337990143#.

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