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Let's Just Laugh

When I first starting writing today's blog, I thought I was going in a totally different direction, but then I saw something that made me laugh and I thought, today, let's just laugh. Proverbs 17:22.."A happy heart is good medicine and a joyful mind causes healing...." Share a laugh or a smile today... I promise it will make you feel better. To get your day started with a good laugh, here are a couple of videos, I hope they make you smile.

Laugh with me...

The quote for this video click was "The first Sunday when the quarantine is over..."

Stay well and stay safe,

Evang. Carolyn

Free Resources

Immune Support Recipes (That Taste So Good)

Click the link for a couple of recipes that support the immune system.

In this time when many businesses are closing their doors, there are several vendors who are actively hiring. For those in Baltimore, Maryland, if you are looking for employment here are some opportunities that are available for you.

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