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Lend a Helping Hand

Happy Wednesday, I pray that you enjoyed a blessed night of rest and woke up refreshed and ready to not only receive today's blessings but to be a blessing.

Genesis 12:2 reads "..........I will bless you and make your name famous, and you will be a blessing to many others."

In times of uncertainty, pulling together to help is crucial to the health, well-being, and stability of our local communities. As the ongoing coronavirus pandemic has shown, some of our communities need help more than ever. And although it may seem daunting at first, there are plenty of ways to lend support, funds or even a helping hand in these trying times. Here are a few ways you can help during these difficult times. Support essential workers

While non-essential workers may be working from home, or temporarily on leave, the essential workers who continue to trudge into work, day in and day out, need our support more than ever. Medical personnel, truck drivers, drive-thru workers, supermarket staffers, delivery drivers, social workers -- these people are continuing to work for the benefit of our communities. Ask if they could use a meal, some coffee, a bus pass you no longer need -- even a few kind words can go a long way. I saw a story on the news last week about a local initiative "Food It Forward". I purchased a meal and this meal was delivered to a person or family in need. Click on the link for additional information and look for these types of initiatives in your local community.

Check on your neighbors

Call or text your neighbors (especially elderly neighbors) to make sure they’re doing okay. Ask if there is anything that they need (be it a box of tissues or a cup of sugar). If you have what they’re looking for, offer to leave it outside their front door so that they can pick it up without coming in direct contact with you. It sounds extreme, but this is actually a great (and safe) way to make sure that our more vulnerable neighbors have what they need. If you feel comfortable going out, consider knocking on the door of any elderly neighbors and chatting through the screen or storm door just to offer a bit of comfort and reassurance. 

Donate Hand-Sewn Face Masks: Got a sewing machine at home? You can help by sewing cloth masks, The CDC cautions that fabric masks cannot be used in the care of COVID-19 patients, but are helpful in other areas of patient care and to help keep everyone safe.

Stay Connected

I can't say it enough, STAY CONNECTED with family and friends. Yes, I am getting a little stir crazy with all of this time in the house, but I have been able to catch up with some family and friends that I haven't spoken to in years. Also, another way that you can help in your community is "Be a listening ear". Volunteer to be a crisis counselor for the Crisis Text Line. The helplines are receiving an increased number of calls from people feeling anxious and fearful about the virus. A calm word or prayer can bring peace to a stressful situation. Helping others with the stress of this pandemic, through programs like this, or through neighbors and family, can benefit your own wellbeing too.


Today I would like to share a prayer for finances. I know that all of us have been affected in one way or another in the area of our finances due to the pandemic. Many businesses have been forced to close, some have lost their jobs and are under great financial stress. During this time, I ask you to be a blessing. I understand you may not have a million dollars in the bank, you may not have a thousand dollars in the bank, but if you have $20.00, be a blessing to a neighbor or a friend. Be a blessing to that single mom, who really doesn't know how she is going to feed her children today. Be a blessing to that husband who is worried about how he is going to put gas in the car to get to work. Be a blessing to your hairdresser, manicurist, barber, remember most are self-employed, so if they don't work, they receive no income. The word of God says, “Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.”  Matthew 6:34 A small act of kindness and generosity can go along way.

Let's Pray

Father in the name of Jesus', before we ask you for anything God, we say Thank You. Thank You for life, health and strength. Thank You for EVERYTHING, because we know without You we are lost. Lord, today we surrender our financial affairs and concerns about money to Your Divine care and love. I ask that You remove all worries, all anxieties, and all fears about money, and replace them with faith. Lord, we know and trust that our debts will be paid and money will flow into our lives. We know that Your Word, promises to supply all of our needs and we know that You will fulfill every promise. We rebuke every negative thought about money and release positive thoughts of prosperity and abundance. We Thank You in advance for recovery for every business that has been affected by the world pandemic. WE SHALL RECOVER ALL. During this time, we ask that You would give us the wisdom to control our spending and to manage our finances wisely. And finally, Lord, we ask You to help us understand our purpose in life and to act on that purpose with courage and strength. Yes, even in this, may we understand our purpose is calling and we must continue to move forward. Please help us use our skills and knowledge to be of service in the world. Lord, we Thank you for every open door and we give You praise for Your continued grace and mercy and this we pray in Jesus' name, Amen.

Stay well and stay safe,

Evang. Carolyn

***** I do not own the rights to this music***

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