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It's Time To Dream Again!!!!!

Happy Tuesday!!!! I pray that you enjoyed a wonderful weekend, an incredible Monday, and are ready to receive every blessing that God has assigned to you today. Remember as I always say, God's Blessings are territorial. Nobody else can get what God has for you. It belongs to you and this is the season of manifestation. I know you may ask, how can I say something like that with everything that is happening. We have hurricanes in the South, wildfires in the West, and COVID-19 over the entire world, BUT GOD. God is still manifesting, God is still blessing, God is still healing, God is still delivering, God is still healing, in other words, God is Still God and HIS WORD SHALL PERFORM.

This weekend I was blessed to receive from the Lord via the Word. I was blessed to align with my god-father, the Founder and Presiding Prelate of World Assemblies of Restoration, Bishop James D. Nelson, Sr., in a 3-day Solemn Assembly, which ended on Friday afternoon with an anointed prayer from Bishop Nelson where he spoke Release and Restoration to the Body of Christ. then on Saturday morning, Pastor T. Renee Glenn spoke such a powerful word Release and Healing over the intercessors during an 8 am service, then on Sunday, I received a triple blessing, first a word of instruction from my Pastor, Bishop Duane Johson, who spoke on the need for "Balance", then Bishop Leroy Dyett. Jr., spoke such a powerful anointed word, reminding us that "the set to has come", " light does not fight light, all we have to do is continue to shine", "doors have been opened". I tell you I danced all morning, then just when I thought I was done for the day, late Sunday evening, I listened to the anointed woman of God, Dr. Cindy Trimm, she spoke on Dreams and Dreaming Again and I tell you I felt like Elizabeth when she heard the salutation of Mary, the baby started to leap in my womb. This woman of God spoke of Heaven's maternity ward and how many of us have entered into the third trimester, we are about to give birth and that is why it is so important for us to DREAM AGAIN.

Dreams represent our future. so as long as we continue to dream, we will keep moving towards our future. DREAM AGAIN Trust me I understand, many are like me, I have journals full of dreams that I have documented and I have asked the Lord on several occasions, "God, remember, I saw that in a dream, but it hasn't happened yet?, When is it going to happen?" Well, God is saying DREAM AGAIN! DREAM AGAIN! DREAM AGAIN! Remember the promises of God are Yea and Amen!!! Whatever God promised you, YOUR NAME IS ON IT!!!! It's YOURS!!! DREAM AGAIN! DREAM AGAIN! DREAM AGAIN! Some of the things that we have encountered were orchestrated by the Lord for the purpose of PREPARATION. We needed to get the wrinkles out( thank you, Bishop Dyett), so we had to go through the wash cycle again. So, get excited Doors are Opening. Get Excited, Miracles are happening. Get Excited, Healings are being performed. Get excited, Lives are Being Changed. Get Excited, Souls are being delivered and set free. Get excited, God is working on our behalf. DREAM AGAIN! DREAM AGAIN! DREAM AGAIN!

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Stay well, stay safe, Wear Your Masks, Wash Your Hands Frequently, BE KIND, BE LOVING, BE QUICK TO FORGIVE AND DON'T STOP PRAYING!!!


Evang. Carolyn

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