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It's The Most Wonderful Time of the Year - Maybe Not?

Happy Pre-Thanksgiving Day!!!

I have to be honest, I was worried that yesterday's post would not be received well, but to the contrary, it seems the post was needed and necessary. Today, I would like to touch on the topic of Dealing with Grief During the Holidays. Per an article entitled "Coping with Grief During the Holidays" by Katherine Reynolds Lewis, she suggests six steps the help you handle grief during the holiday season. The first suggestion is "Feel Your Feelings". It's okay to be sad. It's okay to be emotional, just don't get stuck there. Everyone will understand if you need a day or two just to regroup. Take the time you need. Another suggestion is " Plan Ahead". Some situations may be a little more uncomfortable than others, so if you need to take a friend with you to that company function for moral support, it's okay, plan ahead. Funny, everyone who knows me, knows that I celebrate my birthday for the entire month. As I stated in yesterday's post, my sister/best friend Rosalind would always make sure my birthday was celebrated in grand style, so this month, I made sure that I had plans for every weekend, just to help me adjust to the fact that she is no longer here.

One of my favorite suggestions "Learn To Say No". My pastor, Bishop Duane Johnson, often reminds us, that it's okay to say NO. The holiday traditions you used to adore can feel like a burden when you’re already struggling. It’s OK to take a break from making the macaroni & cheese or attending annual parties, especially obligations that bring up too many painful memories or make you feel spread thin. Another suggestion.."Put your physical body first".  Self-care is important and necessary. One of the amazing things about God is He created our bodies to give us warning signs to tell us when we need to take a break. Sadly, we hear about it often, especially with spouses, once one passes away, the other passes shortly after. It's called "broken heart syndrome." Yes, a person can actually die from a broken heart. Please heed the warning signs. If you need to rest, REST. Don't continue to push yourself, just to keep up appearances, Also, sometimes, it's necessary to change your routines. Start exercising, take a class, join a support group. Listen to your body, it will tell you what you need. Another suggestion is "Get Support". The bible states, "For none of us liveth to himself, and no man dieth to himself. " Romans 14:7 Another interpretation of this is no man is an island. When dealing when grief, many have a tendency to isolate themselves at a time when human connection is what is needed for healing. Don't be afraid to Phone A Friend. Don't be too proud to ASk For Help. Don't be afraid to try something new. Someone shared something with yesterday and it blessed me. Starting this year on the anniversary of my birth, I will challenge myself to the #birthdaychallenge. I will challenge myself to do something I have never done but always wanted to do. Set goals for yourself to enhance your life and state of being, It can be something simple like take a cooking class, travel to a state that you've never been before or something big, like visit a country, or write a book, the choice is yours, but challenge yourself and enlist others in your challenge.

Lastly, each day during this holiday season, be sure to give Thanks to the Lord for your life, your health, your strength, and YOUR PEACE. The bible says, "And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:7 Nothing that we face in this life is bigger than the God that we serve. If we need Peace, God will grant Peace. Yes, some days will be more difficult than others, but remember, God is in complete control of every situation and He knew what you would face before it happened. Continue to "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding;  In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6 Put your confidence in the Lord and trust the process.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family

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