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Is Your Soul Anchored?

Updated: Apr 11, 2023

Happy Labor Day!!!!

Woke up this morning feeling grateful. This is nothing new, but in light of the tragedy in Texas and the devastation of Hurricane Dorian, just felt a little extra grateful for waking up to peace and calm this morning.

On Saturday, I attended a funeral for a woman that even though I really didn't know, I was blessed by her life. This HOMEGOING SERVICE was truly a celebration of a life well lived. The eulogist didn't have a hard time with this one, she had lived a life of honor and faith in God. The eulogist said that , "Her Life was her testimony and eulogy." During the service, one of her brothers sang "My Soul Is Anchored in the Lord" . Listening to the lyrics made me think back over my life and again I'm just grateful to the Lord for EVERYTHING.

"My Soul Is Anchored"

I realize that sometimes in this life you're gonna be tossed by the waves and the currents that seem so fierce, but in the word of God I've got an anchor; and it keeps me steadfast and unmovable despite the tide. But if the storms don't cease, But in case the wind keeps on blowing, (in my life) my soul has been anchored in the Lord. my soul has been anchored in the Lord.

Is Your Soul Anchored? Is Your Soul Anchored in the Lord? If not, you need to make some decisions today. Whatever it takes, my the Lord number 1 priority in your life.

Today begins the next chapter, make it a good one,

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