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How has this Pandemic Changed You (For the Better or The Worst)?

"And we know [with great confidence] that God [who is deeply concerned about us] causes all things to work together [as a plan] for good for those who love God, to those who are called according to His plan and purpose." Romans 8:28 Amplified Bible

I was speaking with a friend the other day and she asked me how I was doing through all of this COVID-19 craziness and I answered her by saying, " I am doing well. Honestly, this has been an incredible 3.5 months. I have been fully remote since March 13 and because my company had several in-person events planned, we had to switch everything from in-person to virtual. I have been forced to learn so much new technology, that now I am training others how to host virtual events. I just became a certified virtual event planner, I mean I literally just received my certificate yesterday. It's really challenged me and pushed me in areas that I would normally shy away from. My nephew ( who is also my technical support person), would say put you in charge of a 3000 person conference and you command the room, but give you a computer with technical stuff and you fall apart, well I can honestly say those days are behind me. I know that this is not everyone's testimony but I wanted to share that God uses all aspects of our lives to mold us and make us into what He has destined for us to be.

I challenge everyone who is reading this blog, to share 10 things (5 positives and 5 not so positive) things that have come out this pandemic. How have you grown during the stay at home orders? Have you changed? Let's talk about how you are surviving the pandemic because believe it or not, we are still in the midst of this world crisis and honestly, I think we are heading for another really rough patch before things start to calm down. Please share your positives and not so positives with me via email

or you can respond to the blog. I look forward to hearing from you.

Two songs come to mind (both Fred Hammond songs), take a moment to listen

Shared from Youtube

Please be sure to tune in this Sunday at 3:00pmEST for 3rd Sundays Tea, Tastings and Testimonials Talk Show. Our featured guest is Elder"Lady" Maxine Dyett, Founder and Owner of Max & Co Salon& Hair Loss Center. Lady Max will be giving advice on how to properly care for our glory( hair) especially during this time of world crisis. We will be honoring Healthcare Professionals during this segment of 3rd Sunday Blessings.

The password is 3rd Sunday and remember you must log in through Zoom to be eligible for the giveaways. Can't wait to see you on Sunday.

Stay well and stay safe,


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