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Hate No One

Happy Saturday!!!! Can you believe we are in the ninth month of 2020? What a year this has been, even with everything that has happened( the pandemic, COVID-19 illnesses, and deaths, the political foolishness, the protests, the violence against our African American brothers and sisters), God never fails and everything Word that He spoke over your life shall come to pass. I still stand on the word that I spoke at the beginning of the year, 2020 is the year of clear vision. Some may not agree with me, but it's not just the bad officers who are displaying hatred, a lot of us are carrying around hatred, that must be clear from our hearts, our minds, and our souls. The passing of our beloved Chadwick Boseman once again reminded us that none of us is invincible and that we must BE KIND to everyone we encounter because each of us is dealing with something. I know that I have made this request in the past, but today once again, I am asking that you reach out to someone you haven't spoken to in a while, just let them know you are thinking about them and that you care. There are so many people who are suffering from depression, oppression, loneliness, and fear of the unknown during these uncertain times. I don't claim to know when this season will end, but I know that it will end. Trouble can't last always. In the midst of the chaos, God is expecting us ( His children), to BE KIND and to strengthen our brothers and sisters. The sun will shine again, but we must remember that the SON never stopped shining, He never stopped working on our behalf. God is still healing, God is still protecting, God is still providing, God is still opening doors, God is still closing doors, GOD IS STILL GOD. God's grace and mercy are renewed each morning.

Oldie but a goodie. Your Grace and Mercy

Shared from Youtube

In this season, make sure your heart is right. If you have any hatred or anger toward anyone, FORGIVE. You may never receive an apology, but it's okay, FORGIVE anyway. And if you need to apologize, DO IT TODAY. Show love and kindness to everyone, even if it's not given back to you. You are accountable for you and you alone, God is looking at your heart.

I pray that you enjoy a wonderful day and a safe holiday weekend. Please be careful and use wisdom. Continue to practice social distancing and WEAR YOUR MASKS. Wash your hands frequently. Stay well and stay safe, BE KIND AND DON'T STOP PRAYING.



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