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Happy "Stop The Nonsense" Tuesday

Long post warning. On Friday, the president of the company where I work asked if I would pray for her mom who was scheduled to have open-heart surgery on yesterday. Yesterday morning, I touched base with her (Kim), they were at the hospital waiting for the surgery to begin( see picture). About 7 hours later Kim sent a text again asking for prayer. They finished the 1st surgery but ran into major complications and her mom had to be taken back into surgery. 3 hours later, another text asking for prayer, things didn't look good and the doctors told them that they weren't sure if she was going to make it. This morning, Kim's mom is back in surgery. To quote our Apostolic Father Bishop James D. Nelson Sr. "Stop the nonsense." I don't care if they hurt your feelings. I don't care if you haven't spoken in few days, few weeks, a few years, we must make sure that our hearts are right. If they don't apologize, it's OK to accept the apology that you didn't get. If they don't admit that they did you wrong it's OK, forgive them anyway. Just let it go. We need our hearts to be filled with love, peace, and joy. Let go of the hurt. Let go of the pain. Let go of the disappointment. Let it go and LIVE.

Jesus loves you so much and so do I


Today's scripture

"And this I pray, that your love may abound yet more and more in knowledge and in all judgment; That ye may approve things that are excellent; that ye may be sincere and without offence till the day of Christ;"

Philippians 1:9‭-‬10 KJV

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