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Happy Mother's Day

Mother’s Day can bring a mix of emotions for many women. There are those anticipating the birth of their first child, step-moms wondering what their place is, those who have lost their mother and are faced with grieving on Mother’s Day, there are moms who encounter feelings of hurt because they have lost relationship with their children and those overwhelmed with pain from the loss of a child. No matter what you face this Mother’s Day, you can turn to God and experience peace and healing through prayer. Celebrating Mother's Day 2020 will be quite different. There will be no lavish brunches, lunches, and dinners at Mom's favorite restaurant. No big parties and family gatherings with all of your siblings, Yes, this will be a different Mother's Day indeed.

I would like to personally wish all of the amazing Mommies, Grand-Mommies, Extra-Mommies, and God-Mommies Happy Mother's Day!!! May you feel God's love surrounding you.

Special Mother's Day Prayer

Father in the name of Jesus, before we ask you for anything, God we stay THANK YOU for everything. Lord, we pray a special prayer for all of the Moms as we approach this very unusual Mother's Day. We thank You for the sacrifice of self each mom gives for her children. For the late nights spent rocking a crying baby and for the hands calloused from washing, wiping, scrubbing, mixing, backing, stirring, hugging, patting, disciplining, holding, writing, erasing, painting, and pouring. We thank You for every mom who has had to become a full-time teacher and educator, while still navigating a full-time job. We thank You for the flexibility of moms, their tirelessness, their perseverance, and their devotion.

We pray You give each mom strength. Help her to forgive those who undermine her significance. We especially pray for single moms, who must lean solely on You for the fathering of their children. We thank You that You’re big arms surround children who may never know their earthly father. We also pray for mother those who never had the honor of bearing children, but whose nurturing extends to the many. We ask You to be the daily bread of tired mothers. We ask You to be their living water. We ask You to be their source of spiritual and physical strength. We pray that the same grace that flowed from Father to Son to us in salvation will flow from mothers to their children. We pray for those who grieve today. We ask for Your comfort to surround those who weep. We pray for the peace of Your presence to cover their minds and thoughts. Lord Jesus, we call upon Your blessed name to bless all mothers today and every day. Extend Your hands of grace over them. We acknowledge that it’s hard, conscientious work and effort and we ask You, Lord, to bless them for all their contributions to this ever-changing world. We ask You, Lord, to give strength to every Mom as they carry on doing what needs to be done in the midst of this world crisis. Give them an extra touch of patience and let them see that they are Loved, Appreciated, and Respected. We thank You for the sacrifice each mother makes every day. And we ask that You bless them and touch them with Your Grace. In the mighty name of Jesus, we pray, Amen.

Just a few songs to brighten our day. I hope the music brings a smile to your face.

*** I don't own the rights to this music.****

Stay well and stay safe. Have a blessed weekend.

Evang. Carolyn

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