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Happy Tuesday evening!!! I pray that you enjoyed a wonderful day and are starting to settle down to a restful evening. As I was writing this message earlier today, the Lord dropped in my spirit that some have gotten irritated by my positive messages. Some have gotten an instant attitude because I start each message with the word "Happy". They were upset because at the moment, they weren't happy. At that particular moment, They were feeling joy, some were angry, some were hurt, some were on pain and some were sad. But, the Lord wanted to remind us that our words have Power. We have the ability to speak LIFE into dead situations and circumstances. Gospel signer Todd Dulaney has a song out "Your Great Name" and the lyrics talk about the power in the name of Jesus. There's Power in the name of Jesus...just saying His name, invites His presence into your situation. When we received as our personal Savior, we walk in a place of Power and Authority.... demons tremble at the mere mention of His Name and because we are His children, we carry the power to speak those things into fruition. We have the power to speak Healing, We have the power to speak Joy, We have the power to speak Peace.

Yes, every day may not be a good day, but there is something good in every day. The word of God says, "I think myself happy....." Acts 26:2 , so even though you may not feel Happy, you have the power to turn that situation around. " As a man thinketh, so is he..." Proverbs 23:7. You have the power to speak new life to that dead situation. Next time you are in a not so happy place, remember, you are loved, you are needed and you are necessary. Speak life to your soul and Speak Peace and Joy to your spirit. God is for you and He is working on your behalf. Trust God and Trust the process. Happy Tuesday.

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