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Hallelujah, Revive Us Again

Oh but for the grace of God. Yes, I am stuck again. The Lord uses music to minister to His people, which is why I often include music in my posts and inspirational messages. Some people won't take the time to read the scriptures or even read the message, but they will click on the link and listen to a song.

As we embark on this last quarter of 2019, the Lord wants to revive His people. For some 2019, has been one of the most challenging years of their life. Ups and downs, twists and turns, heartache and heartbreak, love and loss, turbulent storms and waves of extreme peace, moments of fear and doubt, days of powerful confidence. Now, as we prepare for this last quarter, and steady ourselves for the POWER OF 2020( Yes, 2020 is going to be a year of GREAT Deliverance, GREAT Harvest, GREAT PERFORMANCE) the Lord needs for our souls to be revived. It is time for REVIVAL. Call back to your remembrance the promises that God has spoken over your life. He didn't lie... He is going to DO IT!!! The woman of God ministered a word last night, stay focused on your assignment. No matter what you see today, God's word shall perform.

Yes, I understand that it may seem that I am being repetitious, but we must speak positively into the atmosphere each and every day. Daily reminders to our spirit of God's promises. The enemy will being all sorts of distractions but stay focused on your assignment. Be obedient to the Word of the Lord. Stay focused on your assignment.

Lord, send a revival. We need a closer walk with You, Lord. Lord, let them see You in me. Revive us again.

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