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Good Good Father

Updated: Dec 31, 2019

"In the day when I cried thou answeredst me, and strengthenedst me with strength in my soul." Psalm 138:3 King James Version (KJV) This scripture was shared last night during service and I haven't been able to get it out of my head. When we cry out to the Lord, He will answer us and give us the strength to endure. Our God is our Good, Good Father.

Well, we have less than 48 hours left in this decade and God is still performing miracles. I encourage you to spend some time over the next 48 hours reflecting on the goodness of the Lord and the Great Things that God has performed in your life and get excited about the Great Things that God is doing in your life. I am expecting Great Things. I am about to see what I saw!!!!

Today's Prayer

Father, before we ask you for anything, we say THANK YOU. Thank You for being our Good, Good Father. Thank You for loving us in spite of us. Thank You for Your Grace and Mercy. Thank You for giving us another opportunity to say Thank You. As we are about to embark on new beginnings ( new decade), we ask God that you would help us to leave behind anything and everything that will hinder us from embracing this new decade with strength and power. Lord, please stay close to us so that we do not stray from You. You are our Good, Good Father and we are loved by You. Help us to keep our eyes fixed on You as we trust You in all things. You are the God of love and we thank You that You are with us as we walk into this new decade. We trust in Your Word that says, “the Lord Your God goes with you.” Therefore, as we enter into this new decade, we will not be anxious about the uncertainty, but we declare Your Word that says, " anxious for anything but in everything through prayer and supplication..", we will make my requests be made known unto You. Lord, we ask that Your perfect Will be done in our lives. In this New Year, God allow us to Love You more so that we can share Your Perfect Love with others. Thank You, Lord, for another season to share the Good News. We believe through Your Love and Grace that 2020 will be a glorious new year filled with prayer and praise, service to God and mankind. God have Your Way. Give us clear instructions as Your Word is fulfilled in our lives. Let Your Sonshine through us that others may see You. Lord, Thank You for being our Good Good Father, this is our prayer in Jesus' name, Amen.

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