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God's Love Is Enough

Happy FriYah!!! We made it through another week of Stay at Home orders, but I implore you to continue to seek instructions from the Lord. Understanding that some may be experiencing cabin fever and are ready to get back to normal life, but what is normal. Everything in our day to day will need to change and be adjusted, so don't run back out until you have clear direction from the Lord. Ask God to order your steps. Yes, I understand that "we walk by faith and not but sight", 2 Corinthians 5:7, but FAITH IS NOT FOOLISHNESS.

WE'RE BACK!!!! 3rd Sunday Blessings

I really can't tell you how excited we are to BE BACK!!! 3rd Sunday Blessings!! We are super excited about the new direction for the show that the Lord has given us and we can't wait to share it with each of you. Due to the quarantine, we will be hosting the show on Zoom platform. On Sunday at 3:00 pm EST, just log in to Zoom - and select Join A Meeting. Enter the Meeting ID 925 8546 7028, then enter Password 412832. We can't wait to see all of you and to share this wonderful new initiative. We are blessed to be a blessing.

Are you ready to be blessed?

Can you stand to be blessed?

Do you need a blessing?

See you all on Sunday for 3rd Sunday Blessings :-)

It's Time To Pray

"For thou hast delivered my soul from death: wilt not thou deliver my feet from falling, that I may walk before God in the light of the living?" Psalm 56:13 King James Version (KJV) Do you know that you are an extraordinary human being? God chose you to stand out but being extraordinary costs you. And the price can be quite high. You have to give up the comfort of being ordinary. you have to not only give into, but you have to look forward to the momentum of change and transition, During this time of self-isolation and stay at home orders, God has been transforming each of us from ordinary to extraordinary. The Lord is using this time to break us out of our cocoons so that we may be those beautiful soaring butterflies that we were meant to be. Being extraordinary, we must pray in an extraordinary way, every day. I dare you to pray extraordinary prayers starting today. Let your light shine ... the SONshine must be seen.

Father in the name of Jesus, I know that we were not created just to survive, not just to live, but we were created to be EXTRAORDINARY. We know this because we serve an EXTRAORDINARY God. Lord, we Thank You for the Grace and Mercy that You bestow upon us each and every day. God, we Thank You for being our everything. Thank You, that everything that we need can be found in You. Lord, we Thank You for making us extraordinary beings in You. Lord, we ask that You continue to give us a hunger and thirst for You. Lord, we Thank You for Your Love. Lord, we ask that each day we arise knowing that whatever life has in store for us, we are ready because God, You are with us every step of the way. Lord, we Thank You for preparing us to walk into this new season, extraordinary and shining with Your light. Lord, we give You Praise. Continue to bless us and keep us, this is our prayer in Jesus' name, Amen.

This worship video really blessed me and I pray that it ministers to you. ( Grab your tissues)

*** I do not own the rights to this music.***

Stay well and stay safe,


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