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God's Got You Covered

Updated: Mar 10, 2020

Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord. This has been in my spirit all day and I just needed to share. Yesterday, I sent out an early morning text which read..." Happy Sunday, I pray that you enjoy an incredible worship experience today." Little did I know that I was speaking to myself. Such a wonderful feeling to be in the presence of the Lord. One moment, I was singing praise and worship and the next moment, I was in the holies of holies. We were singing, "To God be the glory" and I remember saying " for the things He has done.." and that was it. It was such a wonderful feeling. The next moment, our First Lady and two of other sisters were covering me, so that I was free to dwell in worship with the Lord. Later, when I got home, the Lord spoke, "You're Covered." Our God is so mindful of His children. Yes, we quote the scriptures often, " He promised never to leave us nor forsake us, but God also wants us to know that we are covered. Psalm 91:4 reads, "He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler." God's Got You!!!

No matter what the doctor said, God's Got You Covered!! The Lord promised to be a very present help in the time of trouble. Remember, the Word of God says "... if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there." Psalm 139:8 (KJV) He rides across the heavens to help you. In the middle of your unexpected, unplanned, or unwanted circumstances, God’s got you covered. Life is unpredictable, but God is unchanging. Nothing you can do will make the Lord leave you. Nothing changes His love for you. When you’re in trouble, God is so intent on helping you that He’ll cross heaven and earth to do it. When changes come on fast and hard, and your confidence crumbles, God is your refuge. When you’re too tired to keep going, his everlasting arms are under you. In fact, He’ll even carry you if that’s what it takes. God's Got You Covered!!!

I don’t know what unexpected circumstances you might be facing today, my friend, but you can expect God to show up for you. His everlasting arms are right there holding you up. God’s Got You Covered.

Rest in Jesus

Evang. Carolyn

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