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God's Ears are Open to Our Prayers

Happy Friday!! This is the day that the Lord has made, WE SHALL REJOICE AND BE GLAD. I don't know what God is doing but I know that God is up to something. Yesterday's scripture is still resonating in my spirit. God is watching over us and He hears our prayers. "For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears are attentive to their prayer, but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil.” 1 Peter 3:12 This scripture has truly blessed my soul. The LORD IS WATCHING OVER US AND HIS EARS ARE OPEN TO OUR PRAYERS. DON'T STOP PRAYING. No matter what we are facing, DON'T STOP PRAYING. God is watching!!! God is listening. DON'T STOP PRAYING.

I was blessed by the Word of God ministered by Elder Marissa Farrow. I promise this word will bless you.

Shared from YouTube.

Elder Marissa Farrow "I will use what I have left"

Stay well, stay safe, BE KIND, wash your hands wear your masks, and DON'T STOP PRAYING.

Be blessed,


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