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God is with Us

Updated: Feb 20, 2020

Happy Tuesday!!! Listened to a message and the woman of God was reminding us that God's Word doesn't change. Whatever He said He is going to do, Trust and Believe that it will happen. Romans 8:28 tells us" “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.” Do you love Him? Are you called by God? Then know that it's all going to work for your good. I know you've been waiting for a long time, but the promises of God are Yeah and Amen and if He spoke it, it's going to happen.

Numbers 23:19-20 The Living Bible reads:

"God is not a man, that he should lie; He doesn’t change his mind like humans do. Has he ever promised, Without doing what he said? Look! I have received a command to bless them, For God has blessed them, And I cannot reverse it!"

Don't focus on your present situation, stay focused on the Word. God's Word... To be honest, it ain't even about you, God's word is on the line. Psalm 138:2 "........for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name."

Walk in the Word and Walk in Victory..... all is well, don't worry about how He's going to do it, just come into agreement that it's going to happen.

Read yesterday's devotion this morning and it ministered to me, I pray that it will minister to you.


Evang. Carolyn

Prayer Works

It's Time To Pray ... please join us Monday - Friday 6:00 am - 6:30 am EST and every Tuesday 7:00 pm - 7:30 pm EST for prayer. Anointed prayers warriors will be interceding on your behalf. To join the prayer line, dial 954-892-6767 enter access code # 8337990143. All are welcome.

Ever-Present Presence

During the 2018 World Cup, Colombian forward Radamel Falcao scored in the seventieth minute against Poland, securing a victory. The dramatic goal was Falcao’s thirtieth in international play, earning him the distinction of scoring the most goals by a Colombian player in international competition. Falcao has often used his success on the soccer pitch to share his faith, frequently lifting his jersey after a score to reveal a shirt with the words, Con Jesus nunca estara solo: “With Jesus you’ll never be alone.”Falcao’s statement points us to the reassuring promise from Jesus, “I am with you always, to the very end of the age” (Matthew 28:20). Knowing He was about to return to heaven, Jesus comforted His disciples by assuring them He’d always be with them, through the presence of His Spirit (v. 20; John 14:16–18). Christ’s Spirit would comfort, guide, protect, and empower them as they took the message of Jesus to cities both near and far. And when they experienced periods of intense loneliness in unfamiliar places, Christ’s words would likely echo in their ears, a reminder of His presence with them.No matter where we go, whether close to home or faraway, as we follow Jesus into the unknown we too can cling to this same promise. Even when we experience feelings of loneliness, as we reach out in prayer to Jesus, we can receive comfort knowing He’s with us.

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