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Did You Know?

Happy Tuesday!!! I pray that you enjoyed a night of rest and are excited about this new day that the Lord has given us. In efforts to fight the spread of the coronavirus pandemic, Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan announced yesterday to the state of Maryland all nonessential companies were to close. The order, which took effect at 5 p.m. yesterday, does not include essential or critical industries as defined by the federal government: health care, law enforcement, emergency workers, food, energy, water, transportation, public works, communications, government, critical manufacturing, financial services, chemicals, and defense. Restaurant carryouts, liquor stores, and daycare centers are among the businesses that can remain open. Even in the midst of this new mandate, we must remain calm. THIS TOO SHALL PASS. The word of the Lord declares, "But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:19 You will be alright. Your family will be alright, just continue to trust in the Lord.

The mandated isolation may be causing many to panic and experience increased anxiety. I wanted to share some information to give you some additional insight on how to cope.

I saw this earlier this morning on the news and I just had to share it. Took a moment, close your eyes and listen to this beautiful melody.


Just a reminder the prayer line will be open tonight from 7:00 pm - 7:30 pm. All are welcome to join us for 30 minutes of corporate prayer. To join tonight's prayer, dial 954-892-6767, enter access code 8337990143#. This same prayer line is open Monday- Friday 6:00 am - 6:30 am.

Have a blessed day.

Evang. Carolyn

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