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Celebrating My Unfulfilled Destiny

Happy Monday!!!! I pray that you enjoyed a wonderful weekend. Honestly, I am still riding on a cloud from yesterday's 3rd Sunday Talk Show 3rd Anniversary celebration. It was absolutely amazing. Thank you to everyone who participated in the celebration. Our special guests Bishop James Nelson, Sr. and Overseer Bessie Nelson were inspiring and encouraging. They have been our biggest cheerleaders since the show's inception. Even in his message yesterday, Bishop Nelson spoke that everybody needs somebody and we are truly blessed to have these two in our corner encouraging, pushing, and supporting us. For those who missed the show yesterday, click the link below. I promise you will be blessed and ministered to by this life-changing word.

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I am truly excited about my future. Yes, in the midst of a pandemic, in the midst of uncertainly, I AM EXCITED. You may ask why or even, how can I be excited, I AM EXCITED because I know that God never fails. I know that every word that God has spoken over my life, shall come to pass. As soon as God spoke it, it was done, but because God is not confirmed by time, the promises are waiting for us to be ready to receive them. God is never early and He is never late, HE IS ALWAYS ON TIME. I pray that you are encouraged knowing that YOUR BEST DAYS ARE AHEAD OF YOU!!!!

Stay well, stay safe, wash your hands frequently, wear your mask always, DON'T STOP PRAYING, DON'T STOP PRAISING, and remember to always BE KIND!!!!! Everyone is dealing with something that you know nothing about.


Evang. Carolyn

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