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" And blessed is she that believed: for there shall be a performance of those things which were told her from the Lord. " Luke 1:45

This is one of my favorite scriptures and I can honesty say every time I read it or even think about it, I immediately start to smile. Earlier this week, the Lord dropped the word "Surprise" in my spirit, so every day I have woken up saying "What's my surprise Lord?" So, this morning I woke up asking God what was my word for today and He said "Believe" and directed me to Luke and this scripture. So today I declare to you, Believe God. Every word that the Lord has spoken over your life will come to pass. If He promised Healing, then you are Healed. If He promised Deliverance, then you are Delivered. If He promised Love, then you are Loved!!! Believe God and Trust His word. God is going to do it.

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