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Be the Light...

Happy Tell Someone You Love Them Tuesday!!!!

This post is filled with lots of emotions, so please forgive me if I start to ramble. Last night, I received word that someone that I knew had committed suicide. Even though it wasn't a family member or personal friend, I knew the person. I had spoken to the person. Immediately, I felt overwhelming sadness for the person, their family and their colleagues. I wondered what had occurred in their life that made them feel like they had no other option, but to jump off of a building.

The Word of God refers to being "our brother's ( or sister's) keeper. We should all strive to be there for our brothers and sisters. The Bible says in Matthew - Matthew 22:36-40 "Master, which is the great commandment in the law? Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets." Love thy neighbour as thyself, but first we must love ourselves. I say this to encourage you... You are enough. You are enough. Even with your flaws( we all have flaws) YOU ARE ENOUGH. Personal moment , last week, someone that I cared about said something to me that really hurt my feelings. I knew he meant it and in that moment, he didn't care that his words would hurt me because he was angry. In that moment, I had to choose to be crushed by his words or just let it slide off my back because I KNOW WHO I AM. Things will happen, hurtful words will be spoken, your heart will be broken, you will cry, but know that YOU ARE ENOUGH. You are a child of the MOST HIGH GOD. You are a chosen generation. You are a royal priesthood. YOU ARE ENOUGH. YOU ARE THE LIGHT. When we allow the SONSHINE that we carry because of our relationship with God, we have the power to not only change our current situations, but we have the power to change the atmosphere of a room, just by walking through the door. WE ARE THE LIGHT. I said this yesterday in prayer, sometimes the Lord has to give us Holy Ghost blinders, so that we can keep our focus on Him. Don't focus or be consumed by your current situation, remember, that God promised never to leave us nor forsake us. Remember that His Word, says that in the time of trouble, He will hide us in the secret of His Tabernacle. His word says that He shall supply all of our needs. Focus on HIM.

Today, I encourage you to reach out to a family member, friend, colleague. You have no idea what kind of change can be manifested just by a simple phone call. Let someone who may be feeling lonely and sad know that you are thinking about them. It's not about material things, but some people just need to know that someone cares. Please take a moment and share a smile today.

I thank each of you for your love, care and continued support of this ministry. May the peace of God rest on you today.

This song blessed me on Sunday and I pray that it blesses you.

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