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Be Still and Pray

"Come to me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest."

Happy Thankful Thursday!!! Yes, even in the midst of a world pandemic, there is so much to be thankful for. Yes, understanding that many are facing job losses and financial insecurity, but it could be worse. Yes, we may not have everything that we want, but God assures us that we will have everything that we need. Thank You, God, for a roof, over our heads. Thank You, God, for food to eat. Thank You, God, for clothes on our backs and shoes on our feet. Thank You, God, for being such a Good, Good Father to us. Yes, I understand that while we are in the same storm, we are not in the same boat. Some are like myself are feeling a bit lonely( I'm single and I live alone), some are feeling a bit overwhelmed being in the house 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, with spouses and children. Some are in the hospital unable to have visitors. Some are dealing with sadness from losing a loved one during the time of world crisis. Yes, we are all in the same storm, but we are not in the same boat. I don't proclaim to have all the answers to what ails you, but I will say have you tried Jesus? He's that kind of friend. A friend that will stick closer than any brother. I recommend Jesus. He's that kind of friend.

For many of us, activity and busyness come naturally. We’re on the go, we’re in a hurry, it’s what we’re all about. So, having to slow down and stay home for the past 7 - 8 weeks has been extremely difficult, some have even because angry. I encourage you to take a moment to reflect on the fact that things could be so much worst. I encourage you to take a moment to reflect that while your spouse and/or your children may be getting on your nerves, they are safe. I encourage you to take a moment to reflect that while your money may be a little funny, this situation has caused you to put your thinking caps on to be creative in your spending. Don't focus on the negative, but accentuate the positive.

God is still in complete control!!!!

Slowing down takes work. Stopping and just breathing deep – takes practice.

Maybe that’s why God says it so clearly, “Be still and know that I am God.” Psa 46:10

Breathe in His grace today.

Let's Pray

Father in the name of Jesus, before we ask You for anything, Lord we say Thank You. Thank You for another day in the land of the living. Thank You for all of the ways that You have made and the doors that You have opened. Lord, we even Thank You for the doors that You have closed. Thank You for every provision that You have provided for me and my family. Thank You Lord for keeping our families safe from all harm.

Thank You that Your yoke is easy and Your burden is light. Thank You that You promised when we are worried, afraid, nervous, pressured, and stressed out, You will give rest and peace to our souls - if we'll just come before You. Thank You that You already know all that concerns us, and You care. We’re so grateful that You remind us daily that we don't have to carry it all on our own. Forgive us for the times that we’ve tried to fix things in our own power, for not taking the time to rest, or to come You first with our needs and burdens.  Thank You for the refreshing that comes from Your Holy Spirit, filling us with joy, covering us with a shield, leading us forward with hope. Lord, let us be mindful of others who seem weary and burdened too. Let Your light shine through us so that we can be a blessing to someone else. Help us to slow down, to take the time, to point others to You. Let us continue to remember Your Word which promises that You will never leave us nor forsake us. God, we have hope in You, knowing that everything will work for our good. Thank You for your continued blessings, in Jesus' Name, we pray. Amen.

Remember the prayer line is open Monday - Friday 6:00 am - 6:30 am, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 12:00 pm - 12:30 pm and Tuesday evenings, 7:00 pm - 7:30 pm. To join the prayer, dial 954-892-6767, then enter access code 8337990143#. All are welcome.

Here are a few songs, that I pray will minister to your spirit.

**** I do not own the rights to this music.***

Stay well and stay safe,

Evang. Carolyn

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