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Are You Ready

Happy Thankful Thursday!!!! Some thirty years ago, next year, I was invited to Greater Bethlehem Temple in Randallstown, MD to hear the initial sermon of my co-worker's sister. Little did I know that encounter would change my life forever. You see, my mother has passed away suddenly a couple of yeas before and I had lost my way. For the first year, after my mother's death, I was angry at the Lord and I stopped going to church, BUT GOD. God's grace and mercy never let me stray too far. A few months before the invitation, that same co-worker had invited me to attend a Christmas program at her church and my heart began to release some of the hurt and angry that I had from losing my mother, my best friend so suddenly. I remember it clearly, the feeling of love, peace and joy that I felt as soon as I walked through the doors of GBT. The next week, I went back to GBT and the next week as well. During my second visit, I was introduced to the Pastor, James D. Nelson, Sr. Little did I know the impact that this introduction, would have on my life and my family's life. Let's fast forward, a few years later, I left my secular job, to work full-time for the church as the church administrator and the General Administrator for a newly formed organization, World Assemblies of Restoration. For almost 20 years, I served in that role as administrator and this year, WAR ( as it's fondly known) is celebrating 25 years. World Assemblies of Restoration is hosting a virtual conference this week. Our Apostolic Father, Bishop James D. Nelson, Sr., taught such a powerful message yesterday and I wanted to share it with you. I promise it will bless you.

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Mark Your Calendars!!!! 3rd Sunday Talk Show

Our special guest is our Apostolic Father, Bishop James D. Nelson, Sr.

Tune in at 3:00pm via Zoom( the link is listed below in the flyer)

Can't wait to see you. Join us and prepared to be blessed.

Stay well, stay safe, wash your hands frequently, wear your masks always, Don't Stop Praising, Don't Stop Praying and BE KIND.


Evang. Carolyn

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