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50 Days Left in This Decade

Happy Tuesday!!!!

Not sure what happening today with the weather( Yesterday it was 60 degrees, today it's snowing), but This Is The Day That The Lord Has Made, We Shall Rejoice And Be Glad.

In the last few weeks, the Lord has been speaking to me in reference to entering into a new decade. I am excited and nervous at the same time. These last 10 years have been full of trials and triumphs. God has used LIFE to force me outside of my comfort zone. I needed to grow and the Lord knew as long as I was comfortable, I would be complacent. Oftentimes complacency can work against our destiny. We should approach every day with the excitement of learning something new.

Today, I encourage you not to just look back over 2019 but look back over the last 10 years. Yes, the backward glance may cause you to shed some tears, but our Apostolic Father, Bishop James Nelson, Sr., preached "A Backward Glance for A Forward Focus". Don't repeat the same mistakes, but learn the lesson, Past the Test and move forward into this new decade with new Focus.

No Limits, No Boundaries, I see Increase All Around Me, Press Forth, Break Forth, Release Me. Enlarge My Territory.

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