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2020 Vision

Updated: Sep 9, 2020

Happy Tuesday!!!! The Lord woke me up early this morning with one word "RESET". Last week, I shared a message about 2020 vision. 20/20 vision is a term used to express normal visual acuity (the clarity or sharpness of vision) measured at a distance of 20 feet. If you have 20/20 vision, you can see clearly at 20 feet what should normally be seen at that distance. Many of us came into 2020 with great expectations. On the Jewish calendar, this is the year 5780, which is the year of the Mouth, What are you declaring out of your mouth. In 2020, you will begin to see what you said. YOUR MOUTH, YOUR DECLARATIONS HELP YOU RECEIVE YOUR INHERITANCE FROM THE LORD and that is why it is vitally important that we have PERFECT VISION in 2020. Take a moment and consider, did you come into 2020 with blurry vision? Were you near-sighted(unable to see things clearly unless they are relatively close to the eyes) or far-sighted (unable to see things clearly that are close to the eyes)? Consider that the Lord has allowed us 9 weeks of stay at home orders so that we could get our vision right. Many of us, got sidetracked in the first few weeks of 2020, but God's Word shall perform. God is not a man, that He should lie,

Nor a son of man, that He should repent. Has He said, and will He not do? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?" Numbers 23:19 NKJV Every word that God has spoken over our lives shall come to pass, but we have to be in position to receive the blessings. I firmly believe that God has allowed this time of social isolation and stay at home orders to give everyone an opportunity to wipe the cold out of our eyes. What is your 2020 vision? What did God speak to you as you begin this new year, this new decade? Don't be distracted not even by the pandemic. Oftentimes, God has to quiet us, pull us aside, to take some alone time, so that we can RESET and clear up our vision. God is still moving. God is still in complete control even in the midst of the world crisis. God is still blessing. Many of us had blurred vision, but I pray after the quarantine, we should all have perfect 2020 vision for our lives and what God has in store for us. We Are About To See What We Saw!!!!! But, we can only make this declaration if we have 2020 vision. God, we Thank You for this time to get our vision right, so we may walk clearly into our destiny.

I am so excited about 3rd Sunday Blessings. I can't wait until this Sunday, May 17 for the reboot of 3rd Sunday Tea Tastings and Testimonials Talk Show. I pray that each of you will join us, I promise you will be blessed. As I shared earlier in the post, many of us have experienced a RESET in our lives especially over these last 9 weeks during the stay at home orders. I was reminded of this show that we recorded in 2019 on Father's Day. Our guest was Rev. Dr. Joseph Spears and he spoke specifically to men, but this word applies to everyone. I pray this message speaks to you. PUSH THE RESET BUTTON!!!


On behalf of our Visionary and Founder, Dr. Akeda Pearson, and myself, we are excited to announce the re-launching of 3rd Sundays Tea, Tastings, and Testimonials Talk Show. The Lord has birthed a new direction for the show and we can't wait to share it with our loyal audience. The new initiative is "3rd Sunday Blessings." Due to the quarantine, we will be hosting the show on Zoom platform. On Sunday at 3:00 pm EST, just log in to Zoom - and select Join A Meeting. Enter the Meeting ID 925 8546 7028, then enter Password 412832. We can't wait to see all of you and to share this wonderful new initiative. We are blessed to be a blessing.

I can't wait to see each of you on Sunday. Don't forget the prayer line is open Monday-Friday 6:00 am - 6:30 am, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 12:00 pm - 12:30 pm and Tuesday evenings 7:00 pm - 7:30 pmEST. If you need someone to touch and agree with you or if you have a specific prayer request, please join us. Anointed prayer warriors and intercessors are available to pray with you and for you. All are welcome. To join the prayer, simply dial 954-892-6767, enter access code 8337990143#.

Stay well and stay safe,

Evang. Carolyn

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